Tuesday Talks: May

May 21, 2024
6:00 pm—7:00 pm


Register for Tuesday Talks

The Burnout Project
Presented by Kelli Crowder, RN

Nurses today are experiencing unprecedented levels of burnout. Critical staffing shortages, overwhelming workloads, unsupportive work environments, and high levels of workplace violence have amplified stress in a profession already known for its long hours, physical demands, and emotional toll.

When faced with these pervasive stressors, burnout can feel almost inevitable. But there’s hope: burnout is both preventable and treatable.

Join us at Tuesday Talks to learn how to prevent burnout before it happens, recognize telltale warning signs, and cope with feelings of extreme stress and burnout.

How to Register
Registration is required. After registering, you will receive an email with your personal link to join the presentation on Zoom. Please plan to join the webinar a few minutes early. You must attend a minimum of 90% of the event and complete an online evaluation to receive contact hours.

Register for Tuesday Talks

Answers to Common Questions
Can I still receive contact hours if I only attend a portion of the event?
You must attend a minimum of 90% of the event to receive contact hours.

What else do I need to do to earn contact hours?
In addition to attending at least 90% of the presentation, you must also complete an online evaluation within 24 hours to receive contact hours.

How do I complete the required evaluation?
The evaluation link is shared in the chatbox at the end of the presentation and closes after 24 hours. This is the only way we distribute the link.

When will I receive my certificate?
Certificates are emailed within two weeks of the presentation to the email provided at registration.

About Tuesday Talks
Tuesday Talks is a free educational series created specifically for Alaskan nurses. Every month, we explore a unique and enriching topic with a local expert. Designed to elevate your nursing knowledge and practice, Tuesday Talks offers free contact hours to participants. The event series is hosted on Zoom and welcomes nurses across Alaska. Attendance is open to both AaNA members and non-members.

About AaNA’s CE Program
The Alaska Nurses Association is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.