nurses in continuing education classroom

Professional Development

Continuing Education to Challenge and Develop Yourself

Continuing Education

At the Alaska Nurses Association, we believe in elevating your nursing career. Through our continuing education program, we strive to provide quality continuing nursing education so you can stay on top of the latest advances in nursing and deliver the best care to your patients.

Designed for today’s Alaskan nurse, our educational offerings span a wide range of topics and learning types, from our bimonthly book club to online courses as well as in-person events and conferences. We also partner with other organizations and agencies across the state to bring you even more opportunities to elevate your nursing career.

Alaska Nurses Association is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Online Self-Paced Continuing Education

We recently launched “Alaska Nurses Learn”, our new and improved online learning system. Built on the award-winning Thinkific platform, our system provides a modern, intuitive interface that makes it easy to find the courses you need to elevate your nursing knowledge and career.  

  • Take unique courses designed for today’s Alaskan nurse 
  • Earn and track contact hours easily 
  • Try before you buy with one of our free courses 
  • Save on your education with special member pricing 

Our courses offer specialized, engaging content crafted with the educational needs of Alaska’s nurses in mind. With more content and variety than ever, we know you’ll love this unique learning environment.  

Start learning online with Thinkific today!

Live and In-Person Courses

Throughout the year, we offer a variety of live in-person and online events geared toward learning and continuing nursing education. Some of our events, such as our Tuesday Talks, recur each month. We cover a different topic within the realm of nursing and an expert comes in to present the topic.

To attend, simply click on an event to learn more about registration, webcasts, and more!

Alaska Comprehensive Forensic Training Academy

Gain the skills and tools you need to provide trauma-informed care for victims of violence in your community and preserve medical evidence to promote justice for all victims in Alaska.

Join us for Alaska’s comprehensive forensic training academy, the first of its kind in the nation. This exclusive training offers nurses across the state proper training to help potential victims of abuse. With 40 to 50 hours of training, we will address types of violence and abuse, care for the victim, and forensic evidence collection. Earn contact hours and help promote justice for all Alaskans by joining this training.

  • Each victim of violence deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have evidence of the crimes committed against them preserved for future prosecution.
  • Unfortunately, many areas of the state lack the ability to document and collect medical evidence to help protect victims of crime.
  • Forensic evidence collection requires the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities todo so from the onset of patient care.
  • ACFTA offers nurses and health care professionals across the state training to ensure trauma informed care for victims of violence which will ultimately promote justice for all victims in Alaska.

The statistics are startling:

  • 75% of Alaskans have experienced or know someone who has experienced domestic violence or sexual assault.
  • An assault in Alaska occurs every hour.
  • Alaska’s rate of child mistreatment is 69.3% higher than the national average.
  • The Alaska rate for Elder physical abuse is 2.4 times the national rate. Elder psychological abuse is 1.6 times higher than the national rate.

The Details

  • 20 to 25 hours of online education
  • 20 to 25 hours of face-to-face training
  • A comprehensive look at helping abuse victims handle their trauma and proper documentation for forensic evidence.
  • Contact hours will be awarded upon successful completion.

Part 1: Online Training

Part 2: Live Session

This nursing Continuing Education (CE) activity is jointly provided by the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA), the UAA College of Health, and the Alaska Nurses Association (AaNA).

Continuing Education (CE) FAQs

What is CE?

CE stands for continuing education. The purpose of continuing education is to advance one’s knowledge in his or her profession, thus improving practice. Various nursing CE activities are offered and participants are awarded contact hours upon completion. Each state has a specific number of contact hours required for nursing license renewal; the Alaska Board of Nursing requires 30 hours every two years (even-numbered years).

Who can use nursing CEs?

Licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, and certified registered nurse anesthetists may all use nursing CEs. Other healthcare professionals should contact their Board to verify the use of nursing CEs towards licensure requirements.

What CEs can nurses use for licensure?

Per the Alaska Board of Nursing, educational activities from healthcare professions outside of nursing (e.g. physicians and dieticians) may be used to fulfill CE requirements. College courses may also be used if they are courses that are part of a nursing degree program separate from the courses taken for initial licensure.

What are the CE requirements for new nurses?

Registered nurses who obtain their original license on or after December 1st of the year prior to renewal are exempt from the CE requirements for the first renewal. If the original license is obtained on or before November 30th of the year prior to renewal, the CE requirements for licensure renewal applies.

nurses talking

Career Center

Looking for a nursing job in Alaska? Our online career center includes nursing job openings for a wide range of practices across the state of Alaska. Browse all the current open positions, sign up for job alert emails, and visit the job search resource center for tips on landing your perfect nursing job.

Interested in posting a job? Submit a request to our Career Center Team. We also regularly post jobs in our quarterly magazine The Alaska Nurse. Advertise in the magazine.

instructor teaching class

The Alaska Nurse Magazine

Our quarterly magazine, The Alaska Nurse, is jam-packed with features and stories about our nursing community. As a timely and trusted source on nursing and healthcare information, each issue features a topic that our community cares about. Published 4 times a year, The Alaska Nurse aims to keep you up-to-date on important nursing issues, healthcare advancements, roles in nursing, advocacy needs and more.

Recent Issues

Every AaNA member is mailed a print issue of our magazine and recent issues are available online for the enjoyment of all Alaskan nurses.

Spring 2025


Spring 2024
Summer 2024
Fall 2024
Winter 2024


Spring 2023
Summer 2023
Fall 2023
Winter 2023


Spring 2022
Summer 2022
Fall 2022
Winter 2022


Spring 2021
Summer 2021
Fall 2021
Winter 2021


Spring 2020
Summer 2020
Fall 2020
The Alaska Nurse - Fall 2021
Winter 2020


February 2019
April 2019
June 2019
August 2019
October 2019
December 2019

Story Submissions

Have a great story, experience, photo, or educational info? Share your article with us and it might be published in an upcoming issue of The Alaska Nurse! No experience writing? That’s okay! Our Editorial Committee is happy to help walk you through the editorial process. Try something new and share your story with us.

Want to write an article for an upcoming issue or get a sneak peek of what topics we’ll cover next? Check out our Editorial Calendar for our future focuses and publication dates.

Editorial Committee

Have a passion for penmanship? Help us plan and write articles for The Alaska Nurse and dip your feet into the wonderful world of journalism. Reach out today to learn more about getting involved with our Editorial Committee.

Published 4 times a year and available in print and digital format, The Alaska Nurse reaches RNs, LPNs, and APRNs across Alaska. A variety of advertising options are available for organizations large and small to suit any budget. View our Media Kit or do***@ak*****.org“>email us today.